Best Practices for Developing with React.js

Olowoniyi Daniel
3 min readDec 6, 2023


React.js has gained immense popularity among developers for its simplicity, performance, and reusability in building user interfaces. With its component-based architecture and efficient rendering, React empowers developers to create scalable and maintainable applications. However, to leverage its full potential and ensure robustness, adhering to best practices is essential. Here, we’ll delve into a comprehensive set of best practices for developing with React.js.

1. Component Structure and Organization

a. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

Follow the SRP to maintain clean and manageable code. Each component should ideally serve a single purpose, making them easier to understand, test, and reuse.

b. Container and Presentational Components

Separate your components into containers (smart components managing state) and presentational components (dumb components focusing on rendering UI). This separation enhances maintainability and facilitates reusability.

c. Folder Structure

Adopt a logical and scalable folder structure to organize your components, styles, and utilities. Group components by feature or functionality for easier navigation and maintenance.

2. State Management

a. Use State Sparingly

Lift state up to the nearest common ancestor when multiple components need access to the same state. This practice promotes data consistency and minimizes bugs related to state management.

b. State Immutability

Follow immutability principles when updating state to avoid unexpected side effects. Prefer methods like setState or state hooks (useState) that preserve the immutability of state.

c. Choose the Right State Management Tool

For complex applications, consider using state management libraries like Redux or Context API to handle state more efficiently and globally.

3. Performance Optimization

a. Virtual DOM and Reconciliation

Leverage React’s Virtual DOM to minimize re-renders. Use keys for dynamically rendered lists to help React efficiently update the DOM and reduce unnecessary re-rendering.

b. Memoization and PureComponent

Utilize React.memo or PureComponent to prevent unnecessary re-renders of components that haven’t received new props or state changes. Employ performance tools like React Profiler to identify bottlenecks.

c. Code-Splitting and Lazy Loading

Split large components or routes into smaller chunks using React.lazy and Suspense to load them only when required. This practice enhances initial load times and overall performance.

4. Error Handling

a. Error Boundaries

Wrap components with Error Boundaries to catch and handle errors in the component tree, preventing the entire application from crashing due to a single component failure.

b. Use PropTypes or TypeScript

Employ PropTypes or TypeScript to enforce type checking and ensure the correct data type flow between components, reducing runtime errors.

5. Accessibility (A11y) and SEO

a. Semantic HTML

Write semantic markup to improve accessibility and search engine optimization. Use appropriate HTML elements to provide meaning and structure to your content.

b. ARIA Roles and Labels

When necessary, use ARIA attributes to enhance accessibility for users of assistive technologies by providing additional information about the UI elements.

6. Testing

a. Unit Testing and Snapshot Testing

Write comprehensive unit tests using tools like Jest and Enzyme or React Testing Library to ensure components behave as expected. Utilize snapshot testing to detect unintended UI changes.

b. Integration and End-to-End Testing

Perform integration and end-to-end testing using tools like Cypress or Selenium to validate the interactions between components and ensure application functionality across different environments.


Adhering to these React.js best practices can significantly enhance the development process, code quality, and performance of your applications. However, remember that best practices may evolve with new updates and community feedback. Therefore, staying updated with the latest advancements in React.js and adjusting your practices accordingly is crucial for building robust and efficient React applications.



Olowoniyi Daniel

Fullstack Engineer (MERN) || Website & Mobile (React/React Native) Developer || JavaScript